Microsoft Hololens

Holographic computing is here. 

When you change the way you see the world, you can change the world you see.

Microsoft HoloLens is the first fully untethered, see-through holographic computer. It enables high-definition holograms to come to life in your world, seamlessly integrating with your physical places, spaces, and things. We call this experience mixed reality. Holograms mixed with your real-world will unlock all-new ways to create, communicate, work, and play.

Transform your world with holograms.

For the first time, holograms will become practical tools of daily life. Interact with them to learn or create something new when you share your ideas, show and tell from multiple perspectives. Your digital content and creations will be more relevant when they come to life in the world around you.

Announcing the Microsoft HoloLens academic research grant.

How would you use Microsoft HoloLens to discover new possibilities? Your academic research proposal could be awarded two Microsoft HoloLens devices and $100,000 for your funding. Tell us how Microsoft HoloLens and holographic computing will help people create, learn, communicate, collaborate, work, and play in new ways. The deadline is September 5, 2015.

See your world in new ways.

Microsoft HoloLens is made up of specialized components that make holographic computing possible. Learn more about the hard

Help shape the future of holographic computing.

Your imagination and creativity will drive new applications and experiences for Microsoft HoloLens. This is just the beginning. Be a part of it.

Transform the way you work.

Microsoft HoloLens will take productivity and collaboration in commercial applications to a new dimension.

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