Outages can be caused by lack of security assurance, faulty software, and malfunctioning hardware. For a cloud to fully function and be maximized, these three things should be working properly.

The downtime and disruption of service has big economic implications because data is needed to keep any kind of service going, no matter what industry it may be.

It has been forecasted by the International Data Corporation (IDC) that businesses across industries such as banking, manufacturing, and retail, will invest in a cloud service. Aside from being a sound investment, there are still calculated risks that involve the cloud. Just like any technology, cloud computing is not a fail-proof invention.

Choosing the cloud solutions provider is critical because once the cloud gets compromised, it could cost billions of dollars, or even worse, trillions of dollars in damages.

A recent study was conducted by Lloyd’s and it projected that the monetary impact of a damaged cloud solutions provider was higher than revenue lost during natural disasters, such as hurricanes and tornadoes. It also discovered that 15 billion dollars’ worth of revenue could be lost in the USA during a major disruption in cloud computing services that lasts for up to six days.

In 2017, top cloud service providers experienced downtimes that lasted for hours, thus affecting their company’s reputation, as well as, the public trust on the reliability of using the cloud for their own business storage.

The cloud services of Computer Solutions East, Inc. (CSE) are backed up by Microsoft. CSE has been cited as a finalist for “NY Metro Cloud Partner of the Year” for its reliable cloud solutions and back-up data services.

Remember, business disaster recovery plans should always be on standby before a disaster occurs

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