The World Is Searching for Ways to Fight COVID-19!

At CSE, we are well aware of all the significant updates regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. We consider the well-being and health of our customers as well as employees as the top-most priority of our organization.

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With that said, we are well-versed in with all the official guidelines from government agencies as well as public health organizations and will continue to do so. For instance, we are following all the significant updates from organizations such as the World Health Organization, Centre for Diseases Control and Prevention.

What are the challenges?

To combat the pandemic, many technological breakthroughs and apps have been created. It will affect the creation, distribution, and implementation of many technologies. Researchers in information systems and technology need to know how they can effectively fight this worldwide epidemic.

While most businesses currently have business continuity strategies in place, they may not adequately handle the fast-moving and unpredictable factors associated with an epidemic such as COVID-19. Typical detailed plans are designed to guarantee operational performance in the aftermath of various catastrophes, including natural disasters, cyber-attacks, and power outages. They often overlook extensive quarantines, prolonged school closures, and increased travel bans that may occur during a global health emergency.

How are we making every effort to manage the situation!

For those who work for your requirements, business continuity stays at the top of priority.  At CSE, we have been catering to our potential clients even during uncertain times and changes. Therefore, even during this global pandemic, we are laser-focused to remain your reliable partner.

In the meantime, our only motive is to ensure that our employees and customers are safe during the time of the pandemic. Moreover, we are also leveraging all our resources, such as technology and tools, to provide the services required by your business to keep running.

Furthermore, we also ensure that we remain flexible during this ever-evolving change and adapt to the situation.

How is CSE responding to the COVID-19 global pandemic?

As a response to the novel coronavirus pandemic, we are striving to expand the preparedness plan for our company. To maintain our business continuity, we include various policies for widespread emergencies and natural disasters.

A cohesive response organization is helping to establish clear priorities:

Work from home enablement team drives all customer-specific requirements, government approvals, and our people’s technology enablement and support.

Robust communication team is or both internal and external audiences, including leadership communications and crisis management response.

The workforce well-being team is to maintain high levels of engagement and morale while people work remotely, helping them to feel more connected and improving mental health and well-being.

The Command center team is for managing virtual workforce productivity, quality, compliance, insights, and intelligence.

Ways CSE is addressing employee and customer health and well-being

To address the well-being and health of our customers and employees, we have provided all the required information and resources to our clients and customers about the protection measures as well as best practices that they need to follow to prevent the spread of the virus.

Moreover, we are also encouraging our employees to stay at home, and if they feel ill, they must notify the respective health authorities about it. Furthermore, upon customer approval, we have also limited the domestic travel for the employees who need to relocate to the customer’s location.

Ways CSE is helping its Clients in their business continuity plan?

In case of technical help, our help desk support team remains functional for you and your systems. Moreover, we have provided our teams with all the necessary tools and technology to promote them to work remotely from their homes. Also, we are encouraging collaborations to take place virtually as well.

Moreover, we have also provided our customers with the required technology to address their needs and allow them to connect with us remotely. Furthermore, we are continually notifying our employees to follow the guidelines needed by the government. On top of that, we have also adopted rotating shifts for the employees working with on-site access roles.

CSE will also keep you informed about any office closure based on case-by-case. Contingency plans are also adopted in case any core team member is unavailable by identifying all the critical roles in our organization.

To assist our employees with the necessary details about the continuity of business, we have prepared some resource materials. Alternatively, we are continually focusing on training and knowledge transfer to enable our workforce in a better way.

As a general measure, we have also asked our employees to avoid any kind of extensive and in-person group gathering. Also, to allow them to stay productive, we encourage all our employees to use teleconference and video calling to connect with colleagues, customers, and projects.

Our approach to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic

Like all other major industries, we are also continually ensuring the well-being and safety of our employees. From our communities to work partners, we make sure that we meet all the service commitments responsibly. To keep our services operational, we have adopted several continuous plans for our business and are taking all the necessary steps as well. We have an all-day-long monitoring team for this ever-evolving situation as well. Also, we take the appropriate guidance from the government countries we are operating in and follow them with responsibility.

Furthermore, we are always proactive to make a comprehensive and sustainable plan for our customers. To do this, we are also bringing together our most skilled teams virtually. In this way, we can quickly scale our customer commitments and deliver them on time.

On top of that, we are also making an ecosystem all around our workforce. This allows us to collaborate by keeping in mind the priorities such as health and childcare. As a result, it leads to better outcomes for our business through the improvised engagement levels and Morales.

Lastly, the upcoming days are a significant challenge for all of us, and we are readily available to help everyone in need.

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