Computer Solutions East, Inc. (CSE), a qualified Microsoft partner, offers Azure Proof of Concept to customers. A proof of concept usually has a price tag because of the resources that will be incurred for it, but with Azure POC, interested customers are entitled to a free service to better evaluate Azure: the cloud computing program of Microsoft.

Azure is a broad program with an extensive scope. Azure integrates a multi-functional platform, and its various workloads can be among the following: Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS) foundation, SharePoint on IAAS, Structured Query Language(SQL) on IAAS, Azure Dev/Test, Enterprise Mobility + Security, SQL, and others.

Potential customers are usually at the crossroads on whether to proceed with a purchase or not. A free trial is a way to gauge the effectiveness of the product. In this case, potential customers of Microsoft Azure can use Azure Everywhere, a proof of concept for Azure workloads so they will know if Azure would be compatible and suitable with the technological demands of their business.

If a business would use Azure POC, CSE would build an Azure environment where their business can successfully operate. CSE can show interested prospects how a Microsoft Azure workload could work for them by thoroughly guiding the IT engineer in handling the chosen workload. Once it has been set up, they can walk through their business within an Azure environment in real time, and they can evaluate if they could benefit from its functions.

CSE ensures a customer immersion experience through Azure Proof of Concept – making it easier for customers to make a well-thought Azure integration into their business.  Terms and conditions apply.

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