Eight months ago, Computer Solutions East, Inc. (CSE) launched their ecommerce website, CSE Marketplace, and have continued since then to ensure improvements to its user-friendly features. The CSE Marketplace is designed as a Self-Service Subscription Management Portal, where customers have control over the Microsoft Cloud Subscriptions that they wish to acquire. As form meets function, new options and dashboards have been added to keep monitoring doable in a few clicks.

The subscription portal serves as a dashboard where you can view the licenses consumption summary and a list of current subscriptions, while the left side pane serves as the navigation for subscriptions and licenses, user admin center, and manage account for billing and payment method.

Licenses Consumption Summary includes the following:  the subscription name, available units, consumed units, suspended units, and total active units.

If the user decides to suspend or to discontinue his subscription, he/she must free up, remove, or unassign the account that is subscribed to the program.

The “Subscriptions” list includes: subscription name, quantity, effective date, renew date, billing frequency, status (if active or suspended), and actions where the customer can edit the details.  The “renew date” for yearly subscriptions is a year minus one day; for example: if the start of the effective date is on January 18, 2018, the renew date is on January 17, 2019. The same method of subtracting a day applies for monthly subscription.

When you view the selected product, you can see the billing frequency, billing type availed, details on the quantity, and the status (if active or suspended). The customer can also update the subscription. The users of the product under one company will show on this view including the display name, email address, location, payment method, and billing address. You can encode more than one credit card account details on the payment options.

Please note that the products and services from the CSE Marketplace are offered to companies that are within the boundaries of the United States only.

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