4 Reasons Why Businesses Need to Prioritize Database Security Assessment
Today’s rapidly expanding enterprises generate data faster and establish varied database setups to store and distribute data more effectively. While these activities indicate a healthy business, managing and securing all this data seldom keeps up with the speed of new company efforts. This is especially true as companies engage heavily in transferring mission-critical applications using managed services for security and systems to modern databases hosted off-premises, such as cloud and big data repositories.
Security specialists are rarely consulted during the decision-making process for implementing these measures. Database security should prioritize all organizations, large and small, building massive data estates to preserve and keep the commercial value they have built. Unfortunately, this is not the case for many security teams. The company continues to advance with faster, cheaper production with managed services for security that necessitates more and more comprehensive data sources without corresponding effort to secure them, yet corporations continue to demand their security teams protect everything.
Historically, corporations have found that paying little attention to database security has been an easy way to preserve profits. The primary, well-funded organizations equipped with the requisite personnel and resources to secure their databases have been the only ones to obtain the security management services. In other businesses, outsourcing managed security services ensures regulatory compliance needed to be checked in a tiny portion of the data estate; enterprises felt their security posture was enough with security management services. In all fairness, it has only been within the last decade or so that people have had to be concerned about several different databases. According to this view, managed IT security services focused on database security generally left basic security strategies untouched when not using managed services for security.
The changes in the security landscape are attributed to new concerns and challenges along with the data explosion. All firms need to focus on data security, not simply compliance, to stay ahead of unknown risks using security management services. Traditional compliance-focused techniques are no longer sufficient, even for firms that have implemented these tactics enabled by managed IT security services.
Database compliance is not database security
Each day, more businesses recognize that simply clicking the compliance box does not constitute database security and will not secure their enterprises. Those well-funded businesses that have previously invested significantly in database security seek to maximize their economic value. They have invested a significant sum of money and received little in return other than compliance reports. As a result, these corporations and many others are becoming increasingly motivated with managed services for security to apply additional security concepts to their massive data farms.
Securing entire data estates legitimately required a significant amount of work, which most enterprises have yet to complete. Very few organizations safeguard data adequately at the database layer. Even the 10%–20% of the market has invested in database security products with outsourcing managed security services that have not succeeded in protecting data at the database layer.
Most businesses that claim to have a robust database security procedure in place do not indeed have one. In most cases, the term “database security” is a misnomer; in reality, these firms have database compliance processes. Very few programs truly provide managed IT security services benefits by enabling managed services for security. Their tools were never designed to handle the complexities of today’s data security environment. These tools’ security components were ineffective, lacked meaningful security measures, and were not extensively used by security management services.
The data estate growth increases the difficulty for database security
The data protection landscape is becoming increasingly difficult in various ways, aggravating the difficulties of protecting data. For example, pressures on security monitoring are increasing across the board. Seeing what is required for compliance is insufficient to prevent data breaches. Most firms that high-profile data breaches have victimized were really in compliance with regulatory requirements. Additionally, the database architecture is becoming more diverse, leveraging security management services. Until recently, most businesses relied on outsourcing managed security services for a small number of on-premise databases and relied on native logging or database activity detection to maintain compliance with data protection standards.
Today, all the company’s databases and linking apps and users are in communication, resulting in a loss of management control over standards and quality. As customers have grown more aware of how their services collect and store their information, many have demanded that their information be removed. Consequently, companies are subjected to enormous pressures to safeguard data from theft, data loss, and data leakage.
The landscape’s volatility (such as rapidly changing privacy requirements) will continue to increase. For example, privacy legislation like GDPR and CCPA, which put increased accountability on businesses, and empower consumers with choices over how their sensitive data is handled, have recently taken effect. Whether you are in a technical business or a service business, you must comply with new data privacy standards if you store Personally Identifiable Information (PII). These policies increase accountability by driving up costs and damaging your reputation with costly audits, penalties, and fines.
We need to shift from a tactical to a strategic mindset on database security
Historically, businesses have seen data security as a series of operational investments made to address individual vulnerabilities. For instance, when an organization requires SOX compliance reports, they purchase a technology to accomplish this. Following that, they require PCI reporting. They’re curious as to whether they’re using the same tool for security management services. Today’s new security landscape requires enterprises to strategically approach database security to address immediate needs while also planning managed services for security for the future to maintain a suitably future-proof security posture. In other words, a plan that anticipates both visible and invisible threats.
Even when enterprises have programs that meet today’s compliance standards, a strategic approach to database security enables them to retain managed security service systems while adding new technologies to make them future-proof.
Get strategic database security insights from the industry’s best
As the database activity explosion caused by recent rapid technological advances continues, you must rethink your strategy for securing data assets with cloud security services.
Compliance requirements must be met, but that is not enough. To truly secure your data today and in the future, you will need to build innovative ways that provide you with complete visibility into your whole data portfolio. Study this on-demand webinar.
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