Mitigating Threat Attacks by Implementing Right Cybersecurity Strategies

Threat awareness is the process of analyzing data using tools and methods to produce actionable information about current or new threats attacking an organization and assisting in risk mitigation. Threat intelligence enables businesses to make better-informed security choices and shift from reactive to proactive action in the face of assaults. 

Some companies attempt to integrate threat data streams into their network but are unsure what to do with the additional data, increasing the load on analysts who may lack the tools to prioritize and ignore threats. 

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Each of these concerns may be addressed by a cybersecurity system. The best systems automate data collection and processing, interact with current solutions, gather unstructured data from diverse sources, and then connect the dots by giving context for indicators of compromise (IoCs) and threat actors’ tactics, methods, and procedures (TTP). 

Threat Intelligence Strategy 

Strategic threat information offers a summary of the dangerous environment facing the business. It is less technical and is primarily intended for executive-level security professionals who will use the findings in the reports to drive high-level company objectives. Ideally, tactical threat intelligence offers insights into the organization’s threat environment, including significant risks associated with preventative measures, threat actors, their goals, and the severity of possible assaults. 

Threat Processing 

Once all raw data has been gathered, it must be sorted, with redundant info or false upsides and downsides filtered away. 

Even modest companies now gather daily data on the scale of hundreds of log events and tens of billions of indicators. It is much too much for human analysts to handle effectively – data gathering and processing must be automated before any sense can be made. 

SIEMs are an excellent place to start, given they make it very simple to organize data using correlation rules that can be configured for a variety of different use cases. Still, they only support a limited list of data types. 

If you’re gathering unstructured data from many environmental sources, a more comprehensive solution will be required. Recorded Future parses text from millions of unstructured text in seven different languages. It classifies them using speech ontologies and events, allowing analysts to conduct sophisticated and intuitive searches beyond basic keyword searches and correlation algorithms. 

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) 

Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a cyberattack where an attacker transmits malicious scripts to a trusted website. It is a kind of attack that may occur only when a website permits the attachment of code to its code. The attacker combines two scripts and sends them to the victim. The attacker gets a cookie immediately upon the script’s execution. Hackers may gather sensitive information and measure the victim’s actions using this kind of cyber-attack. 

For instance, if you see strange-looking code on a government website, an attacker is most likely attempting to get access to your device with Cross-Site Scripting. 

Threat Intelligence Tactic Implementations 

The information describes the strategies, methods, and procedures (TTP) used by various cyber-criminal groups. Defense organizations must comprehend the information provided to precisely clarify how their company may be targeted and counter such assaults. The language may be very sophisticated, and it is utilized by staff members such as system architects, admins, and security experts. 

You may usually obtain tactical threat information by using reports from security providers. To receive insights on how attackers are attacking, use descriptions to glean details on the tactics, tools, and vulnerabilities being targeted by attackers and the tools they’re using to conceal their activity. 

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Tactical threat information should guide ongoing security controls and procedures improvements and expedite incident response. Because many of the questions addressed by tactical intelligence are unique to your organization and must be answered quickly — for example, “Is this critical vulnerability being exploited by threat actors designed to target my industry present in my systems?” — having a threat detection solution that integrates data from in your network is critical. 

Instead of monitoring thousands of Threat Intelligence Feeds individually, the Cyber Threat Intelligence software consolidates them into a single feed to allow uniform characterization and classification of cyber threat events and detect patterns or changes in cyber adversary activity. The program consistently characterizes cyber threat behavior in a manner that facilitates information exchange and threat analysis. Comparing the stream to internal telemetry and generating warnings helps the threat intelligence team. 

Cybersecurity risk is growing due to worldwide connections and the increased use of cloud services to store essential documents and personally identifiable information. Inadequate cloud service setup combined with increasingly skilled cyber-criminals increases the chance that your company will be the victim of a cyberattack or data breach. A good cybersecurity strategy incorporates many levels of protection spanning computers, networks, and applications. Thus, it is critical to ensure that an organization’s people, procedures, and technology complement us to build an effective defense against cyber assaults.

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