The Right Technology our Next Step in Customer Data Security

Importance of Data Security

Data Security is mainly referred to as defensive measures from any malware-related access and data corruption through an end to end lifecycle. As of today, the importance of data privacy is essentially one of the paramount points for every organization. Throughout this process, companies deploy data privacy solutions, which can include tokenization, encryption of data, and other vital management practices that would help for securing your data.

Data Security - CSE

Since data is an asset that cannot be compromised at all, and it mainly consists of three elements concerning every organization; these include people, processes, and the existing technology. These elements are inherently important when there is a need to protect the organization’s vital resources, infrastructure, brand value, and numerous other things. Nowadays, data security is also important when it comes to protecting your devices like smartphones, laptops, and other portable devices. This has given rise to an increased number of cyberattacks frequently.

It is a known fact that remote devices are now operated to target these portable devices, and some of these cybersecurity statistics are enough to make you understand the importance of data privacy in a broader sense,

  • On an average day, cybersecurity hackers attack every 39 seconds, which on average, can be 2,244 times every day.
  • The estimated time taken for breaches in the year 2019 was 206 days.
  • A data breach usually costs about $3.92 million as of 2019 reports.
  • Reports were suggesting that a popular cab application was breached, and the data was stolen away from over 57 million users.
  • Over 94% of the email malware comes through spam emails.
  • Over 60% of the organizations have reported incidents concerning the Internet of Things.
    As we have seen from the statistics above, there are so many data breaches, and this number can increase in the coming year if we are not careful enough. This is where we get an understanding that data security is a must, and correct technologies can help us with overcoming this.

Data Security Types and its significance

D365 Upgrades CSE

We must have the right technology in our midst so that companies would be able to secure their data with zero issues. Let us now look at some of the categories concerning Data Security and how it is significant for the company processes,

  • Network Layer Security
    This security measure is mainly utilized for protecting the TCP/IP protocol, amongst other internet protocols designed to secure your email from a slew of threats. These can include measures such as SSL, TLS for handling traffic, PGP for emails, and even IPSec for securing your network.
  • IPSec Protocol
    The protocol was originally developed for protecting any interactions with the TCP/IP protocols. This provides measures for verification using cryptography; data can be altered using multiple levels of security methods. Two of the important aspects of this protocol include Authentication Header and Encapsulating Security Payload.
  • Email Security
    Emails are perhaps the most breached whenever there is an impending cyberattack. Email Security must be enabled in this case. Service providers usually install these applications so that it safeguards your account from any network attackers. All these security measures are primarily important against some of the most common cyber-attack variants,
  • Backdoor Attacks –
    Cybercriminals mainly look for any entry point, which is something that must be secured at any rate. Many SaaS applications fall prey to this kind of attack by a heavy margin.
  • DoS Attacks –
    Denial of Service attacks is essentially spam requests that tend to access your system and slows it down. Measures must be in place to stop these kinds of attacks.
  • Malware Attack –
    These are common variants of cyberattacks where your data gets corrupted and siphoned off without a trace. Even the payment gateways are suspicious in these cases, which is why one must be careful.


Computer Solutions East is a certified Cisco Partner and therefore provides Cisco-based security and collaboration applications, which prove to be very beneficial for the organizations. Wireless networks must be secured in every case since many companies are switching over from wired to wireless.

CSE acts as a benchmark to these companies in gaining premium access and service to these applications. The Company has a team of experienced professionals who are fully equipped with resolving any situations about these. Our promise to our customers is that there would be 100% transparency concerning the services we provide to them.

We ensure that they do not face any challenges while working on their systems. This is all thanks to increased efficiency concerning the security solutions, and simplistic collaboration approach. This ensures that anything and everything stays in top condition when it comes to securing your data.

Call us at (914) 355-5800 to know more or email us at

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