Computer Solutions East Attends The Enterprise Connect Expo

By: Joshua Weiss, Marketing Associate

The Enterprise Connect Expo in Orlando, Florida was an amazing experience. With around one hundred companies at the expo there was no shortage of exciting things to check out. From businesses dedicated to improving your company’s customer service to emergency services that send direct messages to everyone in your company, just about everything you could ask for was at this expo.




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What should your conference room look like?

Companies like Poly, Biamp, Yealink, Teem, and Evoko bring value to the products they provide. These companies all make setting up and attending meetings easier.

For example, Poly demonstrated their Polycom Studio, which is a USB video bar built for small rooms. This is a camera and microphone that is easily plugged in and used without hassle. It also has a feature where it tracks the person talking and focuses more on them. Poly even won an award called Best Communications/Collaboration Device for this product at Enterprise Connect 2019.

Biamp was demonstrating their products and how they are effective for Microsoft Teams meetings. They had a couple different types of ceiling microphones which can be useful for conferences with 8 to over 25 people. The different types of microphones included ones that went directly into the ceiling and ones that hang down low for even better sound quality. They also showed off their product called Tesira which is an integrated, networked AV processing and distribution platform. This is used for helping you create the dynamic, efficient AV systems your customers need.

Evoko demonstrated a product called Evoko Liso which is a piece of hardware that is put up outside the meeting room. This product is a touch screen room manager that tells you when a meeting is scheduled in that room. You can even book, end, or extend a meeting directly from the home screen (which is a clock) or use the calendar to search for other rooms based on availability, size, and equipment. You can also easily see if a meeting is available by the light it emits, green for available, red for in use, or amber for scheduled.

Teem, does the same thing as Evoko with the hardware outside of the meeting room but takes it up a notch. While you can schedule meetings directly on the touch screen monitor, you can also do it through your voice. Teem implemented Alexa, which can use your voice commands to schedule a meeting for you. Not only can you schedule meetings in person but you can schedule meetings through your already existing calendar system, including Office 365. This would allow someone on Teams to set up a meeting in a specific room and have it show up on the monitors outside of the meeting rooms which is very valuable.

All of these businesses bring value to a company that often has in-person meetings and trouble with conflicting meeting times between teams and needs great quality audio and visual during those meetings.

The Microsoft space was amazing. Their space was dedicated to Microsoft Teams and all of the stuff we can expect in the future for Teams. Features such as customized backgrounds in meetings are expected very soon. This is like the blur feature it already has but instead of blur, you can have the background be trees or an office setting.

Microsoft showed off the star of their show, their updated Whiteboard, which is a tool that can be used in meetings to assist in teamwork. Whiteboard provides an infinite digital canvas for meeting participants to work together directly in Teams. Essentially, it is a huge touch screen that is running Teams, which allows you to draw stuff out while in meetings.


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