Emerging tech pose risk to business. Here’s how to tackle it

The global pandemic has undoubtedly given the C-suite a renewed appreciation for the CISO role. Managers have had to concentrate on safety, security, and stability in recent months, particularly when addressing remote working risks to address the growing business needs. 

With the huge move to digital, businesses are moving at full speed by considering the necessary cybersecurity solution providers with new technology and innovation. Some enterprises are leveraging it to a great extent and even performing with higher and better efficiencies. The role of CISO has never been more critical because the new attack surface and risks need to be quickly understood, and many in the C-suite might underestimate their effects. 

Five ways to deal with the growing technology 

One of the key features is that leading organizations partner with CISO (81%) to face new security threats. Indeed, analysis indicates that early implementation of technologies and large investments alone does not guarantee market success. There are downsides to such technology as well, which requires CISO commitment and cyber risk management experience at the beginning. Here are some of the reliable ways to ensure the healthy implementation of new technologies. 

  1. Adopting a multi-pronged approach: Spend quickly and comprehensively in embracing innovations such as AI, 5G, Quantum, and XR.
  2. Risk Thinking: Systematic protection risk evaluation early in the implementation period and implementing a risk mitigation strategy from the outset.
  3. Unlimited cooperation: Enable the whole organization to show versatility when adapting to industry and improving security technologies to keep pace with adoption.
  4. Innovation Culture: Creating internal and external ethos through planning, skill-building, ecosystem alliances, and security capacity acquisitions.
  5. In-depth defense: Apply various defensive and detective protections through an institutionalized administration, data control, and safety strategy.

Future tech adoption and precautions Software-Defined-Networking-Agility.jpg

There are researches around how business and security administrators in the elite subgroup of organizations are far more aware of the extent and effect of the AI, 5G, Quantum, and XR security threats. Essentially, these organizations have instituted a mutual awareness and ownership of this risk.  

Moreover, they better determine the risk in the adoption period. 

Secondly, in-depth protection is necessary to introduce new controls and often build comprehensive security around implementations of AI, 5G, Quantum, and XR. Many such new technologies are cloud-friendly and are used as a service while keeping it at the starting point for adoption.  

However, these standards should be rapidly met to protect emerging technologies throughout the entire development and production cycle. Inadequate security may expose innovation and investment to company or national surveillance or robbery. 

The Technology Vision report ends with a range of suggested practical steps that business  

and security leaders begin and enable their business to execute innovation at speed securely.  

The future tech and its implications 

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Cloud enterprise cybersecurity software can ensure the efficient implementation of emerging technologies by enabling implicit protection. As discussed above, emerging technology can have negative consequences when especially with the further advancement of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. There is no doubt that these technologies’ impacts will be dramatic on the plus side, but eliminating human needs can have its own set of perils for the economy. 

Tacking the Technology One of the main issues is whether this technology would rob millions of people of their work. We are not discussing the business losses, but, for instance, there can be a robot chef who will make dishes for your grandchildren if not children in cafes and restaurants. Now, there can be concerns about millions of people working in the hospitality industry losing out on their jobs. 

Here, the enterprise needs to make ethical choices. It involves ensuring that the decisions taken are ethical while balancing the business in a world where machinery is powered by artificial intelligence. For instance, if a self-driving vehicle crash in the street or kill passengers on the road, it takes a split-second decision. Human beings can also make wrong decisions and harm others. This technology, however, also has an above-average advantage. 

The rise of cloud solution providers; the increasing adoption of Agile, DevOps, and product-centric development methods; and the increased complexity of business and operational needs all contribute to the transition to digital services. 

Emerging digital technologies and their components may be used in a variety of ways to propel companies forward via innovation and positive disruption. 

CSE SecurityCSE’s extensive experience in new technologies enables us to provide you with dependable business and technical solutions. Whether you are a startup or an organization in need of connectivity or a core technological product, Team CSE can assist you along the process. We have assisted established brands in using cutting-edge technology, and we could do the same for you. 

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