No Office? NO Problem!

And what is remote work exactly?

This is easy; remote work is essentially the opportunity to operate outside of traditional offices. Remote employment offers the opportunity for workers to maintain an acceptable work/life balance. Remote work is welcomed around the world, as researchers have found remote employees to be successful and have greater enthusiasm for their jobs than the current workforce. The employee not only profits from remote work but also supports the workplace and the community. Ahead of next year’s Olympic Games in Tokyo, “telework days” are to be checked, with hundreds of thousands of employees heading out of the house for a two-week experiment, between July and September, sponsored by the Japanese Government and the Olympic Council to help avoid pollution in the Tokyo train network. To function effectively, workers must be equipped with the correct equipment at home – this is where Cisco is interested.

Managed IT company - CSE

Shifting Work Environments- Office Not Required

Remote job is more and more part of daily life, and Cisco regularly welcomes them. We love to build software and hardware solutions to promote collaboration, whether at home or in the office. The clients’ versatility is a genuinely inspiring force. A new study in 2018 reveals that 70% of professionals operate at a far distance at least one day a week, while 53% work remotely for at least half a year, according to Zug, a Swiss serviced office company. Working at a distance offers us flexibility whether to meet a meeting or pick up schoolchildren, working at a range is part of our everyday existence. Our teamwork software will help with this.

A Day in the Life- Collaborate Anywhere

Two of the most prevalent misunderstandings concerning remote jobs are that workers have problems interacting. They are not always at personal sessions, but that is not an issue for Cisco teamwork tools. Remote staff will be first-class guests in both sessions through video conferencing. Devices are specifically designed for the remote worker to ensure that all participants feel in the environment. I may testify to that as someone who mostly operates from home. A typical day working remotely could consist of avoiding the heavy-duty, hated trip, and a relaxing coffee to my home office. Here I check the messages my WebEx teams have been receiving since the preceding day. I incorporate my DX80 or WebEx screen, which allows me to enter calls and meetings effortlessly during the day, offering high audio-visual consistency. I know like I do not want to skip a beat. I will share my computer with other members at the conference to show the Cisco technologies. I press the cursor on the laptop’s top left corner to annotate everything I want to highlight on the document. It is an easy way to learn what I am going to convey at the conference with everybody. In the past, it has become a drawback to operate remotely while participants used a whiteboard – they are gone those times! I may even engage in whiteboard sessions by whiteboarding in the WebEx teams feature, which ensures that I will not skip brainstorming; I will create a positive effort and have a breakout. The best thing is that any contents that are designed or shared during the meeting are stored in the space of the meeting. I will hold my coworkers up to date by monitoring WebEx teams on my cell phone if I must quit during the day. I can enter a short call here or respond to messages quickly.

Technology that puts People and Teams First

Remote work is now easier than ever with the Cisco collaboration software WebEx Teams. Combine software with specific hardware solutions from Cisco, like a DX80, and your home office can be the perfect match for any workplace office, convenience meetings, seamless cooperation with colleagues, creative breakout sessions, and numerous other features and techniques to fully support you and your team’s collaboration work, no matter where you are whiteboarding. And why should you not do it?


Computer Solutions East belongs to the unique Master Specialist Partners Group in Cisco with the best technical expertise and supporting experience in high-risk and challenging companies. Please make use of our Cisco, defense, data center, and cloud technological know-how. Stop the burden and give consumers more confidence. We may merge the business into or provide a cloud computing service for the Unified Communications framework. The robust Cisco partnership solution is a Collaborative meeting system, Cisco WebEx Server Technology, Cisco WebEx Partnership Network, and other meeting resources. Cisco is part of and operates on a high level of redundancy in our driven WebEx Partnership. We will also enable you to build Cisco WebEx Cloud Connect Audio (CCA) to provide the WebEx meetings with an optimized audio experience, focused on a hybrid delivery model utilizing your premises’ IP telephone network. Our IT partnership with Cisco helps us introduce our technologies, which enhance company operations, pace decisions, and efficiency.


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