Staff Augmentation

Staff Augmentation

We put the best talent from across the globe to ensure following our set standards regardless of the industry, services, and departments.

Quality-Based Engagement Model

Our deployed staff thrives anywhere we place them. Instinctive!

Managed IT Staff

Managed IT Staff

We have access to a range of experienced talent that resolves permanent staffing requirements to accomplish strategic organizational goals.

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IT Support Resource 

Unlock your business’ growth potential with our augmented IT staffing resources as you hire a new team and add temporary resources for quick turnaround.

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IT Consultancy Expert

IT Consultancy Expert

No long-term hiring commitment – no shedding for payroll taxes, mandatory funds, and other benefits. Get low-cost country hiring that helps you save more by leveraging their expertise.

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Cloud Computing Expert

Reap the benefits of hiring from the top-most talent pool that includes cloud computing experts who get things done professionally as per the industry standards.

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Cyber Security Consultant 

Cyber Security Consultant 

We implement only the proven and successful hiring methods to ensure placing the right resource at the right place, giving you exactly what your business needs.

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CloudShore Expertise

Focus on critical business activities as you leave the hire a team of cloud experts offshore to take care of your IT and database in a secured, systematic manner.

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Custom Software Development

Custom Software Development

Providing you with multiple staffing options – on-premise and offshore. Choose what fits your business needs and get started with quality input that matters.

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Why Choose Staff Augmentation

Extend your current team without much fuss as we help you integrate our expert resources into your existing workflow to ensure efficient hiring that caters to a specific set of business needs. Scale your project in a jiffy with our trained staff augmentation that boosts your current departmental efficiencies. Our curate talent pool brings along required skills who can develop learning materials as you do away hassles of hiring full-time specialists.

  • Specialized Skills: Onboard the right talent for a project development that offers skills as the project demands without investing in the training and retaining the talent.

  • Project-Based Needs: Ramp up or downsize the learning staff at any moment so that you don’t have to invest in talent retention who’d rather wait till the next assignment arrives.

  • Greater Flexibility: An experienced augmented staff can adapt to the new work environment based on the project to deliver timely results.

  • Reduced Overheads: Set yourself free from any ongoing long-term commitment that plummets the spending on sustainability factors like tax benefits, allowance, insurance, etc.

  • Lesser Risk: Strike a perfect balance between hiring for full time vs. fully outsourcing as you get direct insights on the working of temporary staff with your full-time team.

A curated talent that defies Conventions

Onboard talent you deserve

Be sure of the following with us

Specialized Team
Specialized Team
Collaborative Recruitment
Collaborative Recruitment
Quality Talent
Quality Talent
Skill-Based Hiring
Skill-Based Hiring

Success Stories

Our managed IT services help your business move in the right direction

Neil Hoosier & Associates

We work to identify the clients IT problem and offer the best solution. Time and again,we face a situation that demands agility and the right set of talent that can solve technology issues.

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Not all projects are about innovation. Some are those that add a feather in our cap no matter what we deliver and how. It was typically a government project that involved a lot of roadblocks right.

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Central Florida HIDTA

Being an expert IT solutions partner in the US and worldwide, we are committed to delivering results that drive business growth. Our team recently worked with Neil Hoosier & Associates to resolve.

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